Update from Mrs Stuart, 26th June 2020
Dear Parents and Carers
In addition to our current key worker and Year 6 provision, this week we surveyed parents of the other year groups which the government had specified for the wider reopening of schools. This included Nursery, Reception and Year 1. We were also hoping to have capacity to bring back Year 5 as we feel this is another key year group for transition to Year 6 in the next academic year. We assessed the number of responses against the capacity in the building and staff by organising these pupils into ‘bubbles’. We are confident that we can safely reopen to these pupils as of Monday 29th June. This is on a varied, part-time basis in order to allow for health and safety, as well as cleaning procedures, to be adhered to. Please be advised that the parent survey has now closed and we are unable to accept any more pupils back to school as we are now at full capacity under the current guidelines and safety restrictions.
For all other children, our home learning programme will continue until the end of the academic year on Seesaw and Tapestry. Please contact School if you wish to discuss this further. We fully understand that this certainly does not replace the quality of education your child would have been accessing had they have been attending school. The leadership team will be working intensively over the next few weeks on our Recovery Curriculum and Development Plan for September. This will include assessment of pupil needs and a revised ‘catch up’ curriculum with bespoke interventions. I hope to be able to give you more details on this before the summer as I’m aware that parents will be very concerned and anxious about this.
As of week commencing 6th July, we will be sending out your child’s School Report. We have made necessary modifications in light of the pandemic and this is outlined in the accompanying letter to the report.
We hope that, as the government has announced, all of our children will be back into school in September as we have missed seeing you all. We can’t wait to welcome you all back on Monday 7th September. Please note that we will not be holding a Teacher Training Day and the children will be returning to school on the Monday.
In the meantime, if you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Best wishes to you all!
Mrs Julie Stuart
Head Teacher