Welcome to Throckley Primary School!
We are incredibly proud to be Co-Head Teachers at such a vibrant and forward-thinking school where pupils, staff, governors, parents and the school community work together to secure the best outcomes for our children. We are committed to the highest standards of teaching and learning – achieved through a combination of challenge, adaptation, support, and encouragement – to ensure that all students fulfil their potential.
At Throckley Primary School, our curriculum is underpinned by evidence-informed practice. We have worked hard together to establish a shared pedagogy and we seek opportunities to further develop staff within the wider team, meaning that teaching and learning is of the highest quality. We are incredibly proud of our Personal Development Curriculum, which underpins life at Throckley Primary. We are committed to providing opportunities for our children to develop their sense of self; as well as their understanding of what it means to be a responsible citizen within their local community and beyond. Children at Throckley Primary broaden their horizons and thrive through well-planned opportunities to learn about their place in the world. Please take some time to read about our wider curriculum offer and our Thrive @ Throckley events on our website.
At Throckley Primary you will find a welcoming and purposeful environment, with relationships built on mutual respect. Our supportive pastoral systems help pupils to achieve beyond their expectations and develop a strong sense of responsibility for themselves, their peers and the wider world. Throckley Primary pupils develop skills for lifelong learning. Achievement and a 'can do' attitude are at the heart of our philosophy; we support this through nurturing pupils’ creativity, encouraging independent thinking and learning and showing that mistakes can be a learning opportunity.
We are delighted to announce that our excellent results mean that we were ranked within the top 100 primary schools in the country (out of over 22,000) for primary performance at the end of Key Stage Two in 2023. This follows a consistent trend of Throckley Primary School pupils performing significantly above national average at Key Stage Two for a number of years; a trend which continued into 23-24. We are so proud of this achievement, and are committed to ensuring the best outcomes for our children going forward. Our data following the 23-24 academic year can be found here.
Throckley Primary School is proud to be part of the ONE (Owl North East) Muliti-Academy Trust, alongside seven other local primary schools. We are committed to working collaboratively to benefit the pupils, families and the local community, both within Throckley and the Outer West of Newcastle.
Thank you for visiting our school website which provides a wealth of information about the school and our offer to pupils.
On our Homepage you will find links to our Twitter feed and a calendar with important dates.
In our Parents & News section you will find links to the weekly Head Teacher blog which will give you a feel for the daily life of the school and the variety of activities which we offer to the children in our school.
In the Curriculum section you will find information about the purposeful and empowering curriculum we offer here at Throckley Primary. We have worked hard to ensure that learning throughout the school is relevant, engaging and connected to prior study; fully developing learners’ knowledge and skills. Please take some time to review our curriculum intent and key drivers.
In the Personal Development section you will find information about the Personal Development Curriculum, which underpins life at Throckley Primary. We are committed to providing opportunities for our children to develop their sense of self; as well as their understanding of what it means to be a responsible citizen within their local community and beyond.
In our 'Information' section you will find tabs that cover our admissions policies and procedures as well as links to our November 2013 Ofsted report and our most recent performance data.
The 'Search' function at the top of the page allows you to search for specific information on our website using keywords. The search function is powered by Google, so please look below the Google results on each page to see the school-specific results.
We hope you enjoy exploring this website and finding out about our school. If you would like a tour, please contact the office and arrange an appointment. We are always happy to show visitors the work of our successful school.
Mrs Julia Brown and Mrs Lynsey Giblin
Co-Head Teachers
Requests for Paper Copies of Website Information
If you require a paper copy of any of the information on this website, please contact Mrs Comstock in the School Office. She will provide a copy to you free of charge.