Our Futures
We think carefully about our futures, exploring how we can follow our interests and gain the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in our next steps. How link our learning to future opportunities.
The Future is Bright!
Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed researching a range of potential careers. They looked at roles and responsibilities, pay and pathways in order to create posters to inspire others! The children also chose their dream career and had lots of fun posing for a photo in their work setting which they shared with their parents so that they could talk about this further at home. Shoot for the stars, Year 3!
Reading Unlocks Opportunity
Year 2 have been discussing the importance of reading and how it is a fundamental skill that we need throughout our lives, as well as something that can bring so much joy and escapism! The children see reading as they key to future success and therefore something to enjoy and promote! We decided as a year group that we would like to raise money to expand our class libraries as we've been talking about lots of interesting authors and stories! With it being so close to the festive season, children chose to bake, decorate and create a range of tasty snacks. They encouraged donations by making eye-catching posters. They then sold their treats to parents and carers, who were more than happy to donate to such a worthwhile cause!
Shoot for the Stars!
In History, Year 1 have been learning about Neil Armstrong and Mae Jemison. Extending this learning, the children learned all about aeronautical engineering and the qualifications needed to become an astronaut. They watched an interview with a real astronaut and discussed the pros and cons of going into space. The children designed and created their own paper aeroplanes using their knowledge of aerodynamics in Forest School.
Minds for Business!
Year 5 have opened their own washing machine business! They worked in business teams to manage their budget, buy resources, create a product and sell it for a profit. Our Year 5s really impressed us with their sales patter, their creativity when making deals and their ability to make bespoke products to meet demands.