Collective Worship
Collective Worship Overview
At Throckley Primary school, we feel that daily collective worship benefits the school and whole community by developing a sense of belonging. It can add value to the education process by encouraging children to develop their awareness of the universal principles of right and wrong, justice, fairness and concern for the fate of others and the world. During this time, children are able to consider and reflect on their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and deliberate over current world affairs and issues.
To ensure that a quality experience is provided, we believe that collective worship should be well planned and effectively led. The entire school use a quote from ‘The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse’ by Charlie Mackesy each week to plan class collective worship from in an age appropriate manner.
We are able to develop our understanding of the quote throughout the week and can draw on our experiences of each issue. This special time of reflection is marked in different ways, such as lighting a candle, closing eyes during reflection or with a prayer that children can choose to participate in.