Attendance and Punctuality
We want all of our pupils to have excellent attendance school to learn and reach their potential. Time in school also keeps children safe and provides access to extra-curricular opportunities and pastoral care. We have a lovely, modern and warm school building with plenty of space for children to learn and develop and our kitchen provides a nourishing meal for all children to enjoy.
School attendance is so important to your child’s academic achievement, wellbeing, and wider development. From the first day of term to the last, the small moments in a school day make a real difference to your child.
Please make sure that your child is on time for school. We open our gates at 8.40am to ensure that the children are ready to start their learning at 8.45am. If your child is late, they will miss important teaching, and this has a huge impact on their learning. Being on time also means that your child has a calm start to their day in school.
We also understand that children can be poorly and pick up different bugs at this time of year. If your child has a slight cold or cough, please be reassured that they will be well looked after in school and will probably feel better being in school with their friends.
Every day of school is important. Moments matter, attendance counts! #AttendanceCounts
Celebrating excellent attendance and punctuality
We want all of our pupils to attend school EVERY DAY AND ON TIME! Every child who attends on time every day for five days will be entered into a draw to win a £5 Amazon voucher. We will, of course, take any ongoing medical needs into consideration to make it fair and inclusive for all.
Throckley Primary recently received an award from the Fischer Family Foundation Trust (FFT), a registered charity that supports a range of UK-based education and health projects. This is awarded to schools whose 2023/24 attendance was in the top 10% or top 25% of all FFT primary schools in similar circumstances.
Thank you for your continued support with attendance.
Going to school every day will help your child learn, develop and achieve.
Your child’s education is very important. Regular school attendance will help them fulfil their potential and ensure they have a brighter future. It will build confidence, friendships, and ambition. The more your child is in school, the more likely they are to succeed at exams, and in life.
Going to school every day means:
- Having lots of fun
- Making friends
- Taking part in activities
- Learning through play
- Building lasting relationships
- Better exam results
It is important to recognise that, on average, a 90% attendance rate means that your child misses:
- One half day every week
- Nearly four school weeks every academic year
- Over one school year in a child’s school career
Definition of Regular Attendance from the Department for Education, ‘Working together to improve school attendance’: Where parents decide to have their child registered at school, they have an additional legal duty to ensure their child attends that school regularly. This means their child must attend every day that the school is open, except in a small number of allowable circumstances such as being too ill to attend or being given permission for an absence in advance from the school.