'Thank you Throckley' Poem from Our Head Girl and Boy
Thank You, Throckley!
Dear Throckley children and staff, The year 2020 hasn’t been a laugh, We’ve written this poem just to say, A thank you in a Head Boy and Girl way!
Back in March, when time stood still, We stayed inside to keep safe, until… Staff at Throckley worked really hard, To bring back some of us to the yard.
Mrs Stuart came up with plan after plan, Learning from home? Thanks to Mrs Giblin, we can! Mrs Brown kept us safe, had a long list of calls, Miss Sewell perfected routes around the school walls, Mrs Cunningham and Ledger were always there, Offering lots of advice, help and care.
This return wouldn’t have been possible without the lovely Paul, Or our school office staff and Mrs Comstock who are always on the ball, The cleaners being resilient and scrubbing everywhere, And the cooks providing meals with bundles of care.
To all support staff, we can’t thank you enough, You keep our breaks fun (at a distance) which must be tough, Your kind, smiling faces and your nurturing way, Brightens every minute, every hour and every day!
In September, children came back, back where they belong, Laughing and playing with their friends after it had been so long, Soon it was back to normal, lessons brought such fun, You have all adjusted so brilliantly, thank you and well done!
Now, our class teachers the ones we see most, In the news all the time, but there’s no need to boast, The endless hours and work that you do, Provided us with normality to help us get through.
In March, the school was empty, without its beating heart, There is a nasty virus that still keeps us all apart, But thanks to Throckley Primary and all of those within, Brighter days are coming and our team spirit will always win!