Spring Term Club Choices
6th December 2019
Dear Parents/Carers,
Spring Term 1 Club Choices
Further to my letter of 22nd Nov 2019, attached please find the club choice letter for Spring Term 1.
After School Clubs
During Spring Term, after school clubs will run for five weeks from the week beginning 13th January to the week beginning 10th February. After school clubs will not run after the half term holiday. If your child would like to sign up for one of the after school clubs, please fill out the attached form. There are a limited number of places in these clubs, so please ensure that your child wants to attend/will be able to attend all sessions before signing them up. It is our aim that every child has the opportunity to take part in at least one after school club of their choice each academic year. If your child attended an after school club in Autumn Term, this counts as one club for the academic year.
- Years 1 & 2: Board Games & ICT and Dance
- Years 3, 4, 5 & 6: Tennis, Basketball, Dance and Arts & Crafts
- Years 4, 5 & 6: Folk Band
Breakfast Sports Clubs
Some of our sports clubs will be running during Breakfast Club from 8.00am. You do not need to sign up for these clubs, you just need to come to Breakfast Club on that day. All children who attend breakfast club will be offered a healthy breakfast along with the sport activity. Breakfast clubs cost £1.00 per session which needs to be paid using SIMS Pay or a bar code (see the Office for information).
Monday: Years 1 & 2 Multi Skills Thursday: Years 3 & 4 Football
Tuesday: Years 1 & 2 Dodgeball Friday: Years 5 & 6 Football
Wednesday: Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 Dodgeball
Lunchtime Clubs
We are offering six lunchtime clubs during Spring Term 1. The children will be told about these clubs in their classes and will sign up for the clubs with their teachers.
- Years 1 & 2: Lego
- Years 1 & 2: Multi Sports
- Years 3 & 4: Sewing & Textiles
- Years 3, 4, 5 & 6: Digital Leaders
- Years 3, 4, 5 & 6: Netball
You will be informed of your child’s after school club places through SIMS Activities and the Parent App during the first week back after the Christmas Holidays. After school clubs will begin during the week of 13th January.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Julie Stuart
Head Teacher
Please see latest new documents for further details