Parent Governor Vacancy
Are you interested in being a Parent Governor?
We are looking for a parent to join our governing body team. Governors at Throckley Primary play a very active part in working with Mrs Stuart and the School Leadership Team to further develop the school and to ensure that all the children receive the best possible education. The role is demanding but training and support are provided. We have six full governing body meetings a year. Our two committees meet once or twice per term and each governor is involved in at least one learning walk a year. Governors are also involved in appointing staff. Skills in procurement/purchasing, premises/facilities management, links with local businesses or knowledge of the local or regional economy would be useful but commitment and willingness to learn are at least as important. If you are interested, please leave your contact details at the school office for Helen Richardson, one of our Co-Chairs of Governors.
Thank you to Gary Dixon for the service that he has given to our Governing Body during his term of office.