Kindness Week 2018
Kindness Week at Throckley Primary, Theme: Choose Respect
At Throckley Primary School, we mark the national Anti-bullying Week by spending an entire week learning about Kindness. We kicked off the week with Odd Socks Day and we ended with our annual Children in Need non-uniform and fundraising day. Here are just a few things that the classes have been doing this week:
- Nursery made a collage of hearts, talked about friendship, made kindness cards for their classmates and learned about respecting friends by reading the story of Elmer.
- Reception spent the week being kind to Harold the Bear. Every time that someone said something kind to Harold, a happiness ball was added to his bucket. At the end of the week, the bucket was full and the children found out how powerful it is when you say kind words. They then made powerful, kind word superhero masks.
- Year 1 learned about being kind on the yard and how important it is to ask someone to play when they look sad or are on their own.
- Year 2 learned about opinions and that it is fine for people to disagree. They learned about how to disagree with someone in a kind and respectful manner. They also used lots of ingredients to make a ’good friend’ spell.
- Year 3 have been learning how to have a friendly debates and how to respect the opinions of others. They have practised their debating skills using opinions of their own.
- Year 4 watched a Sesame Street video about respect. The video gave them lots of ideas about how to show respect to others.
- Year 5 watched the ‘Bully a Plant’ video. They then made two boxes - one with kind comments that they had heard people say to each other and one with comments that weren’t kind. The whole class has agreed to only add comments to the kind box, not the unkind box.
- Year 6 worked with the theme "Choose Respect" and focused on how we can be respectful when online. To support this topic across the school, they created their own multiple choice games using 'Scratch'. They worked respectfully (of course!) with a partner to follow a set of instructions and create complex algorithms. They then debugged their work so that the final game was playable!
Thank you to all of the parents/carers who have support the activities this week. We are pleased to announce that we have raised over £625 for Children in Need! Photographs from the day can be found on the back of the newsletter and on the website.