Harvest Festival Assembly
As part of our Religious Education (RE) curriculum and PSHE, Rev Allison Harding from St Mary’s Church led an inspiring Harvest Assembly for the children this week. She talked about the importance of the harvest season and the abundance of food in the Autumn. The children were then asked to consider those in their community who don’t have as much food and to think about ways that they would be able to help them. Rev Harding volunteers in a local foodbank and discussed with the children the importance of food donations for these important community charities. To mark the harvest season, we will be collecting food for the Newcastle West End Foodbank. They are in urgent need of items such as tinned fruits & vegetables, cereal, pasta, coffee and tea. We have included a full list suggested donations on a leaflet that we have sent home in your child’s book bag today. Please send all donations to school by Friday, 26th October and we will deliver them to the food bank over half term. Thank you.