Online Safety
Online Safety Overview
At Throckley Primary School, we are committed to providing a robust and progressive online safety curriculum. We understand that there is no single way of achieving high-quality computing education, therefore we ensure that our sequenced curriculum ensures breadth and depth, and allows time for discrete teaching alongside incidental and relevant social changes within a digital society. We are reactive to any online safety related incidents that may occur in school and ensure they are addressed swiftly and at an age-appropriate level.
Digital technology is driving extraordinary global changes and navigating these changes safely and effectively requires a significant understanding of digital literacy. We understand that although children have grown up with technology, we cannot assume that they are competent users and understand the risks involved.
Alongside a discrete digital literacy curriculum provided by ProjectEVOLVE, we also utilise National Online Safety Hub to support staff, children, governors, and parents. We believe that staff training is of the utmost importance to ensure staff are confident, competent, and consistent when teaching children how to stay safe online. We use a range of assemblies, team meetings, and updates often to keep staff up to date with current issues, documentation, and strategies that will impact their teaching.