Remembrance Day 2018
As part of our PSHE Curriculum and British Values coverage, all classes across the school have been taking part in age-appropriate Remembrance Day activities and learning about the 100 year anniversary of the end of World War 1. In Nursery the children have been learning about why we remember soldiers and making poppies using paint, red clay and even biscuits! At the other end of the school in Year 6, the children have spent the whole day today celebrating Remembrance Day with a fully cross-curricular approach! They spent the morning listening to, and appraising, “The Last Post”, discussing how the musical elements add to its poignancy before analysing the famous war poem “In Flanders Fields” and creating unique pieces of visualised art work based on individual lines of the poem. Be sure to ask your child about the Remembrance Day activities that they have done today.