Reception Visit to Broxfield Farm
Our Reception classes had a fantastic day at Broxfield Farm. Mr Thompson led the activities during the visit and the children had some wonderful experiences. The children:
- Discussed the different seasons on the farm and how they help the crops grow.
- Found out about how helpful the worms can be and went for a little worm hunt.
- Picked flowers (weeds!) from the field. They had to try and find a purple, blue and white flower.
- Visited the different cows and found out how Mr Thompson cares for them.
- Looked at the features of the cows. Mr Thompson wanted them to look at their bright eyes, long lashes, very long tongues, ears and hair styles.
- Fed some of the cows in the big shed. It’s their cosy winter home but the children didn’t think it was very warm!
- Helped Mr Thompson by making some fantastic scarecrows to scare away the birds from his seeds.
Miss Liddle and Miss McGregor were not surprised that so many of the children fell asleep on the journey home after such a busy day!