Letter from Mrs Stuart about school reopening on 5th Jan 2021
Monday 4th January, 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
Following on from my correspondence yesterday, I can confirm that school's position has not changed and we still intend to open to all children on Tuesday 5th January, following Government advice to do so. However, we are reviewing the situation on a daily basis and will update parents as soon as possible if changes are to be made following any updates in guidance.
I understand that you may be very concerned about the safety of your children and your families from the risk of infection in light of recent scientific evidence presented by SAGE and strong lobbying from some unions. At Throckley Primary, the safety of our whole school community is paramount and we are taking all measures physically and practically possible to ensure everyone's safety.
Our school risk assessment has been updated to add in some further measures, some of which require support from parents and families, which I will outline below. I know that many of you may have additional concerns because your child or family members may be vulnerable due to underlying medical conditions. At present, Government advice is for all children to attend school unless they have been directed otherwise by a medical professional (you will have received a shielding letter about this), including those who live with shielding family members. For any parent or carer who remains concerned about their child attending school due to medical reasons, staff will be available via telephone to discuss this. However, I would like to add that, as non-medical professionals, we cannot give specific advice and would urge you to seek clarification from your child's paediatrician if you are at all unsure.
In terms of reinforcing and increasing safety measures in school, I politely request that all parents strictly adhere to the following points:
- Do not arrive on site more than five minutes prior to your drop off/collection time unless you are dropping off/collecting a sibling.
- If your child is late or you are late for collection you must contact the office for a new drop off/collection time. Do not just arrive at the office.
- If you know you are going to be late for collection, please contact the office as soon as possible so staff can be informed and your child can be reassured.
- Only 1 adult to drop off/collect a child - please do not have more than one as this unnecessarily increases numbers of adults on site and increases the risk of transmission of infection.
- Adults must wear face masks, unless exempt for medical reasons, whilst on site.
- Do not gather in groups whilst waiting to drop off/collect your child.
- Ensure your children remain with you at all times and are not running around on site.
- Please leave the site immediately after drop off/pick up and do not congregate anywhere on site.
- No messages to be passed to staff at gates at drop off/collection times. Please contact the office or use Seesaw to speak directly with class teachers.
- Do not enter the main reception area without prior appointment.
- Maintain social distancing at all times.
I would just like to end by reiterating that I am continually reviewing the situation for school and will endeavour to keep parents up to date as quickly as I can. Please bear in mind that advice from the Government can change rapidly and at the last minute. Staff at Throckley Primary are committed to continuing to provide high quality education to all of our children, giving them a safe and happy learning environment.
I understand that Tier 4 restrictions are difficult, but following them outside of school means we are all doing our bit to keep our school community safe. Thank you for your continued support, we really value it. Let's work together through these difficult times; we've done it before and we'll do it again.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs J. Stuart