Digital Leaders Event
On Thursday, many schools in our Outer West Learning Trust participated in a Digital Leader Event at Milecastle Primary School. Some children from Years 3 and 4 attended with Miss Richardson to represent Throckley Primary. The purpose of the day was to create a short film about online safety that will be shown across all our Trust schools on Safer Internet Day (Tuesday 11th January). The children split into several groups and each team was responsible for writing, rehearsing and recording important information about Safer Internet Day including the upcoming ‘Bunting Challenge.’ Applying their wonderful technology skills, the children used a range of software on the iPads to edit their videos, including Green Screen and iMovie, which allowed any final details to be added. All the children had a wonderful day and enjoyed the opportunity to meet other children within the OWL Trust. Keep an eye out for our Safer Internet Day video, which will soon be available on the website!