Critical Worker Information Letter
4th January 2021
Dear Parent/Carer,
In light of Boris Johnson’s announcement this evening, Throckley Primary School will be closed as of Tuesday, 5th January 2021 until further notice. The Government has asked parents to keep their children at home and has asked schools to remain open only for those who absolutely need to attend.
Please carefully consider if your child needs a school place due to your work being critical to the COVID-19 response and if you have NO possible alternative options.
To ensure that we are only having the smallest number of children in school, and in order to limit the spread of the virus, we will be asking for you (if sole parent) or both parents to provide evidence of critical worker status. This should include:
- your current job role
- your working schedule
We ask for this information by 12 noon on Tuesday 5th January so that we can begin to prioritise our limited places and organise childcare bubbles. Until this is received, we are unable to confirm an offer of a school place.
I must stress that if your child is offered a critical worker place at school, it is highly likely that they will not be in their usual class bubble or be taught by their own Class Teacher. Remote learning for each year group will however be provided for all pupils via Seesaw and Tapestry (information to follow tomorrow).
If, after considering all of the above, you qualify for and require a place for your child, send through the information we have requested above by responding to this email or by using the following email address:
Please remember that if your child or another member of your family shows any COVID symptoms, they must not attend school.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Julie Stuart, Head Teacher