Building a House of Sticks in Reception
This week our Reception classes went into the woods to build a house of sticks like one of the little pigs from our story, ‘The Three Little Pigs’. As there aren't many pigs in Throckley, we decided our house could be used to provide shelter for squirrels in order to help celebrate Squirrel Appreciation Day which took place on Tuesday. We had great fun collecting sticks without thorns and then using them to build a shelter. We then tried sitting in it to see if it would make a nice house for the squirrels and we think it will make a very cosy house for them!
While some children were building, other children had a PSHE lesson learning basic first aid with Mr Metcalf. The children found out about the supplies that are kept inside of a first aid kit and how they are used. They even practised making an arm sling for one of their friends!